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The Caterpillar power unit that powers your yacht is a relatively simple beast. However, the engine at its very best is the heart of your yacht and there for one of the most important components.

We can say and many will agree; without a Caterpillar engine it is just a yacht. The Caterpillar power unit will make your yacht very reliable and there for a profitable investment. If you have invested in the yacht for your own pleasure or as an investor, we all should take care of the investments made and respect on time maintenance.

Brand Energy Service consider your yacht as our own and feel the need of the best service needed for your Caterpillar power unit.

A very impressive statement but not unknown from a well-known yacht builder in The Netherlands is: “We build the best yachts money can buy” the right commitment to the business.

Brand energy Service

The best Service and Parts for yachts